Malware Attack OS X Through PDF | OS X Malware | PDF Malware

F-Secure: Malware Attack OS X Through PDF

Malware Attack OS X Through PDF
Malware Attack OS X Through PDF | OS X Malware | PDF Malware - A security company found a gap in the Mac OS X operating system again. This time has been compromised through a trojan-based PDF files. Thus the results of research at F-Secure.

According to researchers at F-Secure, PDF program that was infiltrated by Trojan intentionally installs a backdoor program that could give an attacker full control of the Mac operating system.

According to F-Secure, remote command-and-control (C & C) are used to connect with infected machines is the installation of Apache. Malware embedded in the PDF is new malware for the Mac.

"The appeal of the PDF is a good trick to get people to install trojans," said Sophos senior security adviser Chet Wisniewski. "The program works when you open a document, and then install malware without your knowing it."

Furthermore, Wisniewski said that, Windows is still preferred targets of cyber criminals because there are more machines to attack.

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